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  1. Michael Evans
    May 17, 2024 @ 5:40 PM

    I thank you for posting Mark Zulawski’s story. It was enjoyable reading and brought back memories of my youth in Buffalo and Cheektowaga. I too went West Seneca East Highschool and played football with Mark (I was a junior during his senior year).
    I also took a path in the military ending up with a 21 year career in the USAF. Retiring as a Master Sargent. My last 12 years I served as a crew member on Air Force One, serving under Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton. An incredible ride that I could have never imagined for a humble blue collar guy from Buffalo NY.


    • davidegrogan
      May 17, 2024 @ 9:30 PM

      Michael, Thanks for reading Mark’s story and thanks for your service in the Air Force. It sounds like you had an amazing experience, as well. If you would allow me to work with you like I did with Mark to tell your story, I would love to do so. Just let me know.


      Dave Grogan


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