Major Richard N. Walker, U.S. Air Force (Retired) – Engineering the Cutting Edge of Flight

The U.S. military requires many people with varying talents to sustain its position as the greatest fighting force on Earth. In addition to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines engaging with the enemy on the field of battle, it needs countless others in support roles giving those on the front lines what they need to fight and win. It needs cooks and bakers, mechanics and builders, doctors and nurses, truck drivers and training instructors, just to name a few. Another key role is that of the engineer who helps design, develop, test, produce, and provide the technology the warfighters need to do their jobs. That is where Major Richard N. Walker, U.S. Air Force (Retired), steps in. His work over two decades in uniform has given U.S. forces a decisive edge in both combat and the deterrence of war. He is one of the unsung heroes in the success of the U.S. military.