The Steve Stilwell Thriller Series
"A tautly written, puzzle-driven thriller that kept me turning pages. Fans of Dan Brown are sure to love Grogan's The Hidden Key."
Susan Furlong, Bestselling author of the “Bone Gap Travellers” novels
Former Navy attorney Steve Stilwell's most challenging case ever!
- As if dealing with a dead billionaire’s estate while people are trying to kill him isn’t enough, his personal life is coming apart.
- The case forces Steve to choose what in life is really important to him before the choice is made for him.
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Voices To Veterans
Check out Voices To Veterans for inspiring true-life stories about American veterans. From World War II to the present, Voices to Veterans honors the U.S. military, one veteran at a time. Based on my interviews with the veterans, a new story is added every month. The latest story is below, but you can check out all of the stories under the Voices to Veterans tab. All of the stories are free and each one takes only five minutes to read.
Second Lieutenant Bonita Trams, U.S. Army – Operation Babylift Restores Hope
When a young person signs up for the military, they never know what opportunities or hardships lie ahead. Of course, they know basic training will be difficult, but beyond that, their lives depend upon their specific jobs, the places they are assigned, the situations they are placed in, and the people they work with. These factors combined to bring both trauma and triumph to Second Lieutenant Bonita Trams during her ten-year military career. Throughout it all, Bonita remained committed to her dream of serving as an Army nurse and speaking out for the children she was assigned to protect.
Book Clubs
If your book club is interested in reading The Hidden Key, Sapphire Pavilion and/or The Siegel Dispositions, contact me at [email protected] to purchase signed copies for all of your club’s members. Special book club pricing is available and we can also discuss having me Skype into your book club meeting when you discuss the book.
The News-Gazette: Experience Gives Veteran Edge as Author
The News-Gazette: Those Who Served: Captain Makes a Judicious Mark.
Sun News and Olmsted Falls Grad Retires From Military and Starts Writing Career.
Virginian-Pilot: A Military Thriller for Past and Present
Military Times: Fall Reading Guide