Book Signings Begin!
Today was an exciting day for me as I held my first book signing at The Daily Grind, a coffee shop located in the Virginia Beach Town Center. I was joined by fellow writer Kathleen Toomey Jabs, author of Black Wings. Lots of old and new friends came by to talk and pick up a copy or two of The Siegel Dispositions. It was great to hear where they are working or going to school, where their kids are, or where their next vacation destination is. Beyond that, I cannot adequately describe what an honor it was to have someone ask to read something I have written. It made the countless hours writing and rewriting the manuscript worth it. It made the initial rejection letters — which actually served as an incentive to help me improve and tighten up my writing — seem like an even more distant memory. And it made me want to write all the more, as I am addicted to writing stories and hoping others find them entertaining.
While being entertaining is good, I really want my writing to be more than entertaining; I want it to make a difference. I’ll leave it up to you whether I have achieved that with The Siegel Dispositions – hopefully I have. To make sure I don’t fall short of that goal in anyone’s mind, I will donate a portion of my royalties from The Siegel Dispositions to Empowering Haitians, an organization seeking to make a difference in the day to day existence of the people of Cap Haitien, Haiti. Although The Siegel Dispositions has nothing to do with Haiti, it has everything to do with making a difference. When about $20 can feed a small family for a week, even my small contribution can make a difference. So as far as I am concerned, making a contribution from my royalties from The Siegel Dispositions is a win-win proposition. You can learn more about Empowering Haitians at their website.
Thanks again to the many people who are taking a chance and reading The Siegel Dispositions. I hope you enjoy it and I would love to get your feedback. Better yet, watch for upcoming book signings, including on November 9th from 2-4 pm at Prince Books in Norfolk and on November 22nd from 2-6 pm at The College of William & Mary Bookstore on the Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg, Virginia, where you can tell me your feedback in person.