The Hero Code by Admiral William H. McRaven, U.S. Navy (Retired)
The Hero Code by Admiral William H. McRaven, U.S. Navy (Retired), is an absolute must-read. After a brief introduction, Admiral McRaven sets out ten character traits that describe what it takes to be heroic. He illustrates the traits with real people, some famous and some not. Two of my favorites were Gary Sinise illustrating compassion and Airman Jackson illustrating duty. However, I found every example interesting and every element of the code spot on. I enjoyed the book so much, I’ve listened/read it twice already. I intend to put it on the shelf next to another one of my favorites, The Alchemist by Paulo Cuelho.
One reason I find The Hero Code so compelling is that I know Admiral McRaven is a man of integrity who genuinely tries to live by the traits he sets forth in the code. He rose to the level of four-star admiral because he knew how to lead men and women to accomplish important missions after first earning their trust and respect. In short, The Hero Code is more than just words on a page. It’s a guidebook that challenges us all to strive to be our best selves in everything we do.
After I finished writing this recommendation, I sent a copy of The Hero Code to all three of my children to help them make good decisions in their lives. I can think of no higher recommendation for a book than to share it with my children. If you would like to read it and then do the same with your family, you can purchase it on Amazon by clicking here.